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Friday, January 29, 2010

Consuming Raw Egg Yolk

If you are not used to eating fresh raw egg yolks or fresh raw fish, you should start eating just a tiny bit of it on a daily basis, and then gradually increase the portions.

For example: you can start with consuming only a few drops of raw egg yolk daily, during the first 3 days. Then consume half a teaspoon raw egg yolk daily during the next 3 days. The next 3 days one teaspoon raw egg yolk daily. Then 2 teaspoons daily. Then 1 whole raw egg yolk daily and subsequently 2 raw egg yolks daily. Eventually, you can easily eat 5 raw egg yolks daily, which is absolutely perfect to enhance your mood, sleep and menstrual cycle.

Fresh raw egg yolk tastes like vanilla, and combines very nicely with avocado.

You can also blend different fruits (e.g. banana, orange juice, apple), or tomatoes or orange juice only, and add the egg yolk. Only stir with a fork gently, because egg protein easily gets damaged on molecular level (see site23), even by mixing / blending.

You can also add raw egg yolks to cooked potatoes or –rice.

Processing fresh raw egg yolk mixed with avocado, potato or rice requires lots of oxygen and strict physical inactivity.

If you are a smoker, you might sense a lack of oxygen after having consumed raw egg yolk.

Check Freshness

Of course you should only consume egg yolk that is really fresh.

#1 ALWAYS check the freshness of the egg right before you want to consume the yolk.

#2 If you are uncertain about the freshness of an egg, don't eat it.

#3 If it smells 'weird', don't eat it.

#4 If there is a crack in the shell, don't eat it.
#5 Don't wash the eggs before storing them

#6 To be able to properly judge the freshness of an egg, it's contents need to be at room temperature; eggs that are stored in the fridge and are opened right away seem fresher than they are. The eggs that you want to check freshness of, should be kept outside the fridge for at least an hour prior to opening them.

#7 First check all the eggs by rolling them across a flat surface. If they don't roll wobbly, don't consume them.

#8 Secondly: shake the eggs; when they dash, don't consume them.

#9 Thirdly: Immerse the eggs in a pan of cool, salted water. If it rises to the surface somewhat, don't consume it. If the egg emits a tiny stream of bubbles, don't consume it. (then the shell is porous/contains a hole)

#10 and last: Open the egg;

If the egg white is watery instead of gel-like, don't consume the egg.

If the egg yolk is not convex and firm, don't consume the egg.

If the egg yolk easily bursts, don't consume the egg.

#11 The first 3 days that you consume fresh raw egg yolk, take only one teaspoon of it, so that your defense system has the time to adapt to the small amount of bacteria in the egg. The next 3 days you can take one whole egg yolk. And the next 3 days after that you can take one yolk more, and so on. That way your defenses system will be properly trained to fight bacteria, so that even if you eat something really bad in the wrong restaurant with your friends, your bowels will maximally move too much while your friends may be seriously ill.

Egg yolks that are not that fresh, can also make your bowels move too much.
You can add fresh raw egg yolks to fruit shakes, but only add them AFTER you have mixed the fruits in a blender. After adding the yolks, only stir with a fork. (blended yolks can cause acne too, and if you are very susceptible to acne, even blended banana can cause acne)
You can also just add the fresh raw yolks to fresh orange juice, and stir with a fork.
You don't really taste the egg yolks, except that they make the shake taste creamy and a bit vanilla-like. Bon appetite!

For why consuming fresh raw animal food in general is not dangerous, see Raw = not dangerous

Vitamins and Minerals

Humans are not supposed to eat plants, but their fruits. Egg yolk is 'the fruit of the egg', containing all the vitamin A, -D, -K and -E and cholesterol, and most iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iodide.

For exact nutrient-contents of 50 g egg yolk, click here

Of all proteinous foods, egg yolk contains most vitamins and minerals;

Vitamin- and mineral contents of different proteinous foods are compared below. Contents have been indexed to the highest level ( = 100 ). Original contents have been taken from : Souci, S.W. et al, Food Composition and Nutrition Tabels ,Medpharm Scientific Publishers Stuttgart 1994.

Cheese calcium contents have been disregarded for being far too high. (seesite4)

vit.B2 vit.B5 vit.B8 vit.B9 iron calcium

100 100 100 100 100 100 egg yolk

9 6 24 47 94 Brazil nut

43 27 14 2 14 9 salmon

40 18 9 14 29 tuna

90 12 8 1 14 9 mackerel

65 16 6 2 30 4 beef, muscles

58 19 9 2 15 2 pork, muscles

38 17 7 16 28 45 wheat whole meal bread

88 8 571 Edam cheese, 30%

vit.E vit.B1 selen. magnesium

75 29 18 10 egg yolk

100 100 100 100 Brazil nut

29 17 25 18 salmon

16 80 tuna

16 13 38 19 mackerel

6 23 5 beef, muscles

5 90 8 17 pork, muscles

11 86 8 58 wheat whole meal bread

5 21 37 Edam cheese, 30%

Zinc vit.B3 vit.B6 vit.B12

89 1 31 22 egg yolk

93 2 11 0 Brazil nut

19 89 100 32 salmon

100 47 47 tuna

89 64 100 mackerel

100 89 19 56 beef, muscles

47 59 58 23 pork, muscles

49 41 8 0 wheat whole meal bread

0 1 0 Edam cheese, 30%

Not the Egg-white and Not the ‘Bag’

Don't consume raw egg white. Egg white is comparable to the womb, ovaries and oviduct, containing the same substances as are produced in the human oviduct (which is enhanced by progesterone (avidine), respectively estrogen (ovomucoid));

- Avidine in raw egg-white de-activates vitamin B8 (biotine).

- Ovomucoid in raw egg-white inhibits trypsin, an enzyme that decomposes absorbed nutrients.

Also do not consume the 'bag' containing the yolk and the string attached to it; hold the whole yolk in your fingers, make a small cut, and drain the yolk.

Chlesterol & Trans-fatty Acids

Don't eggs contain too much cholesterol ?

Absolutely not, if consumed raw. (and biologically bred)

Because natural raw eggs contain so much clean cholesterol, eggs are excellentbrainfood. Only damaged cholesterol (due to heat) is bad, and causes vascular diseases.

Unfortunately, egg yolk from chickens fed prepared / recycled grains, or other (even animal-) -foods, contains damaged cholesterol and trans-fatty acids. You will not taste this in prepared eggs, but consuming raw egg yolk, you probably will, and this probably will cause nausea. Be sure to buy eggs from farmers feeding their hens natural raw grains.

The Health Benefits of Raw Eggs - A Life Building Food

Raw fats from organic vegetables and healthy animals are an ideal way for many to build up health and vitality. Raw, unheated, uncooked organic eggs from a clean source are an excellent health tonic. Regularly consuming raw eggs will benefit your health as the raw egg yolk and white helps your body eliminate stored toxins. Body builder's have long known that a great way to build healthy muscle without the extra fat is to eat raw eggs regularly.

When you cook animal proteins, eggs, milk, meat, and so on, it changes the structure of the proteins. This is not to say that all cooked animal proteins are unhealthy, but that when we do not cook the animal proteins, they many times are even healthier. Consuming eggs raw means that vital enzymes and nutrients are left intact.

Eating too many egg whites can cause a biotin deficiency. Eating the yolks only, or the biotin rich yolks with the whites will prevent this problem.

I have been craving egg nog since it was a special holiday treat for me growing up. Yet all of the store-bought egg nog's, even the organic ones, are made with disease causing pasteurized milk, and also use evaporated cane juice, which is an overly heated and processed sugar.

Raw Eggs and Cholesterol

The scare about healthy cholesterol from whole foods like eggs is unfair. The amount of consumed cholesterol has nothing to do with the amount of cholesterol in the body.

Eggs contain valuable fat which helps cleanse and lubricate our internal structures. Fat and cholesterol from damaged fats, like margarine, or cheap vegetable oils, are the types of fats that lead to adverse health consequences. It is important to differentiate good fats from unhealthy fats.

Bad press about eggs is mostly sponsored by industries that want people to consume overly processed and unhealthy foods. Do not be afraid to consume high quality eggs, a product direct from nature, just because some backwards science leads you to believe that delicious and satisfying foods like eggs might cause heart disease or some other health problem.

The idea that too much animal fat and high cholesterol are dangerous to your heart and blood vessels is nothing but a myth. You can learn more about this myth at (www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol.htm) .

A word of caution, if you are not used to drinking lots of cream or eating lots of raw eggs, be aware that lots of raw eggs and/or cream has a healing effect on the body, and sometimes they initially can cause some types of physical responses like stomach discomfort, nausea or headaches. This is not usually food poisoning, but a cleansing action within your body.



Eggs are the Answer, Not the Enemy

For years we've been listening to top health experts advising us to eliminate eggs from our diet. At the very most, they say, eat only three eggs a week. Any more would simply wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels. And of course all of this is starkly animated in television commercials showing regular egg consumers collapsing of violent heart attacks in the street.

Does that sound like cookie-cutter propaganda to you? There is some logic behind these claims: eggs contain cholesterol so they must surely raise cholesterol levels. This concept, however, is flawed and research is proving it to be so.

In 2006, Dr. Maria Luz Hernandez of the University of Connecticut's Department of Nutritional Sciences looked at the effect consuming eggs has on cholesterol levels. Her findings revealed that in two-thirds of people, consuming 2-3 eggs per day had virtually no effect on serum cholesterol levels. In the other one-third of people, both HDL and LDL levels rose equally, and the increase in LDL was due to particles simply getting bigger, not more numerous. This type of rise in serum cholesterol levels actually does little to increase a person's risk for health problems such as heart attacks.

Once you get past the assumption that eggs are terrible for you, there is room to discover the myriad of health benefits that come with eating them regularly. Eggs are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals in forms that can be easily absorbed. These include vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K in addition to iron, zinc, lecithin and choline. All of these help contribute to brain function, a healthy metabolism and disease prevention.

Eggs are also a great source of protein, especially for those who don't consume very much meat. It can be difficult to obtain all of the essential amino acids - the ones our bodies can't produce - if you eat a diet mostly based in grains. An egg contains each of the nine essential amino acids, making it a top source for these nutrients.

Of course, all eggs are not created equal. Commercial eggs are a nutritionally poor substitute for organic, free-range eggs. Chickens that are allowed to roam free provide eggs with a higher protein and vitamin content, while organic practices mean harmful pesticides and chemicals won't find their way into your breakfast. You can also look for eggs that contain higher levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids. These come from chickens that have been fed a special diet high in those healthy omega-3s.

If you've been afraid to commit nutritional sacrilege by enjoying a tasty omelet in the morning or a boiled egg for an afternoon snack, set your fears aside and relish in the wholesome goodness of one of mother nature's best gifts.

Myth Busted: Eating Eggs Has Virtually No Effect on Cholesterol Levels

Eating eggs does not significantly raise the body's cholesterol levels, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Surrey and published in the Nutrition Bulletin of the British Heart Foundation.

The researchers reviewed the results of several different studies on eggs and nutrition, concluding that eggs did not contribute significantly to the body's cholesterol levels. Although eggs are in fact a high-cholesterol food, the researchers note that only one-third of the body's cholesterol comes from dietary sources; the rest is produced by the body from saturated fats. As a consequence, saturated fat intake plays a far more significant role.

"The ingrained misconception linking egg consumption to high blood cholesterol and heart disease must be corrected," researcher Bruce Griffin said. "The amount of saturated fat in our diet exerts an effect on blood cholesterol that is several times greater than the relatively small amounts of dietary cholesterol."

The researchers note that other factors, such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or smoking also have greater effects oncholesterol levels or the risk of cardiovascular disease than egg consumption does.

"The UK public does not need to be limiting the number ofeggs they eat," Griffin said. "Indeed, they can be encouraged to include them in a healthy diet, as they are one of nature's most nutritionally dense foods."

Up until 2007, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) recommended that people limit their intake of eggs to three per week, as a way of reducing the risk of heart disease. That advice is now considered outdated, however.

"We recommend that eggs can be eaten as part of a balanced diet," said Victoria Taylor of the BHF. "There is cholesterol present in eggs, but this does not usually make a great contribution to your level of blood cholesterol. If you need to reduce your cholesterol level, it is more important that you cut down on the amount of saturated fat in your diet from foods like fatty meat, full fat dairy products, and cakes, biscuits and pastries."

Egg Curry

Egg Curry : Kerala : Egg : Recipe

Egg Curry - Ingredients:

Egg  4 Onion  4 medium sized Garam masala 
 One teaspoon Green chilli  3 Ginger 
 One piece Chilli powder One tablespoon Coriander powder
 One tablespoon Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
 Coconut ½ Tomato 2 Garlic 3 pods Cloves (Grampoo) 2
 Cardamom 1 Pepper corns 6 Oil ½  cupMustard ½ teaspoon
 Curry leaves One sprig Salt to taste 
Egg Curry - Directions:
  1. Boil the egg in water with some salt.
  2. Grind the coconut and extract the first milk (concentrate) and the second milk (diluted).
  3. Warm coriander powder, chilli powder, turmeric, grampoo, cardomom, garam masala,
  4. Pepper and then grind it into a paste.
  5. Cut Onion, ginger, green chilli tomato into small pieces..

  6. Heat oil in a pan, splutter mustard and then add onion, ginger, green chilli .
  7. Fry till onion turns light brown. Now add tomato and fry again.
  8. Add the ground paste and add the second milk.
  9. Keep it covered and cook till the gravy thickens.
  10. Now add the boiled eggs and cook for 2 minutes.
  11. Remove from fire and then add the first milk of coconut and mix well.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Keeping eggs safe

Eating raw eggs, or eggs with runny yolks, or any food containing these, can cause food poisoning especially for anyone who is:

  • very young (babies to toddlers)
  • elderly
  • pregnant
  • already unwell
This is because some eggs contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause serious illness, especially for anyone in these groups. So if you are preparing food for anyone in these groups always make sure eggs are cooked until the white and yolk are solid.

If you want to choose the safest option, you could use pasteurised egg for all foods that won't be cooked or will be only lightly cooked. And the safest option, for example for caterers preparing food for these vulnerable groups, is to always use pasteurised egg.

There are three main issues that we should all be aware of:
  • avoiding the spread of bacteria
  • cooking eggs properly
  • storing eggs safely
Avoiding the spread of bacteria
Bacteria can spread very easily from eggs to other foods, hands, worktops, etc. There can be bacteria on the shell, as well as inside the egg, so you need to be careful how you handle eggs, when they are still in the shell and after you have cracked them.

If you touch eggs, or get some egg white or yolk on your hands, you could spread bacteria to anything else you touch, whether it's food or the fridge handle, so make sure you wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

If a whole egg, egg shell, or drips of white or yolk touch other foods, then bacteria can spread onto those foods.

Bacteria can also spread onto worktops, dishes and utensils that are touched by eggs, and then the bacteria can spread to other foods that touch the worktops, dishes or utensils.

So remember to:
  • Keep eggs away from other foods, when they are still in the shell and after you have cracked them.
  • Be careful not to splash egg onto other foods, worktops or dishes.
  • Always wash and dry your hands thoroughly after touching eggs or working with them.
  • Clean surfaces, dishes and utensils thoroughly, using warm soapy water, after working with eggs.
Cooking eggs properly
If you cook eggs until both the white and yolk are solid this will kill any bacteria. If you are cooking a dish containing eggs, make sure you cook it until the food is steaming hot all the way through.

Foods that are made with raw eggs and then not cooked, or only lightly cooked, can cause food poisoning. This is because any bacteria in the eggs won't be killed.

All the following might contain raw eggs:
  • home-made mayonnaise
  • BĂ©arnaise and hollandaise sauces
  • some salad dressings
  • ice cream
  • icing
  • mousse
  • tiramisu and other desserts
For the safest choice, you could use pasteurised egg instead (available from some supermarkets), because pasteurisation kills bacteria.

If you're concerned, when you're eating out or buying food that isn't labelled and you're not sure whether a food contains raw egg, ask the person serving you.

If you buy commercially produced mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces, ice cream, desserts, or ready-made icing, these will almost always have been made using pasteurised egg. Check the label but ask if you're not sure.

Storing eggs safely
Here are some tips to help you store your eggs safely:
  • Do store eggs in a cool, dry place, ideally in the fridge.
  • Do store eggs away from other foods. It's a good idea to use your fridge's egg tray, if you have one, because this helps to keep eggs separate.
  • Do eat dishes containing eggs as soon as possible after you've prepared them, but if you're not planning to eat them straight away, cool them quickly and then keep them in the fridge.
  • Don't use eggs after their 'best before' date for the safest choice.
  • Don't use eggs with damaged shells, because dirt or bacteria might have got inside them.

How many eggs?

There is no recommended limit on how many eggs people should eat. Eggs are a good choice as part of a healthy balanced diet. But remember that it's a good idea to eat as varied a diet as possible. This means we should be trying to eat a variety of foods each week to get the wide range of nutrients we need.

Eggs are a good source of:

  • protein
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin B2
  • iodine
Eggs can make a really healthy meal. Why not try one of these for your breakfast, lunch or evening meal:
  • Spanish omelettes with chunks of cooked potatoes (you could use leftover potatoes from last night's dinner) and onions served with steamed veg or a salad. All sorts of veg will work in the omelette - sweet potato, peppers, spring onions and mushrooms are all good choices.
  • Poached egg and baked beans (choose reduced salt and sugar versions if you can) served on thick sliced toast makes a great brunch - you could serve it with grilled tomatoes or mushrooms.
  • Scrambled eggs on thick slices of brown toast, add some spring onions or mushrooms and serve with grilled tomatoes.
  • Boiled eggs chopped into a summer salad. If you include salad leaves, new potatoes, green beans, red onion, olives, boiled egg and some tuna, you will have yourself a filling salad nicoise.
But remember that quiches and flans can be high in fat and salt, so try not to eat these too often. The pastry is high in fat, and quiches and flans often contain cream and cheese, and sometimes bacon too, all of which add to the saturated fat and salt content.

If you are making your own quiche or flan, go easy on the cream and cheese - if you use a strong flavoured cheese you will only need to use a small amount. And add some vegetables such as broccoli, peppers and tomatoes.

Fried eggs are higher in fat than boiled, poached or scrambled eggs, but there's nothing wrong with having them occasionally. If you do want a fried egg, use an oil that is high in unsaturated fat such as sunflower oil. It's a good idea to drain off as much of the oil as you can and it will also help to put the egg on some kitchen paper before putting it on your plate.
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Eggs and cholesterol

Eggs contain cholesterol and high cholesterol levels in our blood increases our risk of heart disease.

However, the cholesterol we get from our food - and this includes eggs - has less effect on the amount of cholesterol in our blood than the amount of saturated fat we eat. So, if you are eating a balanced diet you only need to cut down on eggs if you have been told to do so by your GP or dietitian. If your GP has told you to watch your cholesterol levels, your priority should be cutting down on saturated fats.

The eggs and us

A classic Northwest story (and fantasy) is re-enacted on a run-down farm on Lopez Island

The San Juan Islands have become a rural escape for the very rich and others who will pay $40 to get their car on the ferry. There was a time when they were “undiscovered.” The agricultural value of the land in the early 1970s wasn’t much — four or five hundred bucks an acre — and if you had other sources of income and the time, you could act like a farmer and raise chickens or sheep or horses. This was an attractive lifestyle for my young family of six.

Lopez Island in those days had a few farmers and commercial fishermen, whose families had been “Lopezians” for generations and still worked and lived there. The look of the place had not changed for a hundred years: gently rolling hayfields bordered by woods. Seattle’s economy was still dominated by “Boeings.” Downtown Seattle considered itself grand with two pricy Italian restaurants (Rosellini's 410 and 610) and a couple of steak and chop houses. The Seattle Symphony was mediocre. There was little theatre. The sidewalks were empty by 8 at night. Bill Gates (a teenager) was a student of mine at Lakeside School, where I taught English.

My grandmother had died and left me some money. Big surprise! Let’s buy a farm! Why not? So, true to our impulsive selves, we bought the first place the real estate agent showed us. No one had lived there for several years. The vegetation had grown exponentially and the place had a softened feel. My wife, Gwenyth, loved it at first sight and I went along. There was a house and several outbuildings, large and small, that, in the surprising afternoon’s slanted sunlight at the end of a cloudy day, delighted me while I was looking at the place. It was glorious. I was reminded of Wyeth watercolors.

I was the perfect patsy for this place. Right after I had signed the papers, I was leaning against one of the mossy split-cedar fence posts, admiring the whole thing, when the post snapped off at the ground. I almost fell flat on my face. The nearer posts, attached to the rusted barbed wire, sagged and I soon realized that they were all rotten. But they had looked so good! Lesson one: what you see is not necessarily what you get. We had yet to discover the chimney plugged with a bird’s nest, the solidified septic tank, and the earthy-tasting water from the shallow dug well.

Back in Seattle, Gwen and I thought, “Let’s start with chickens.” I concurred. She found an ag magazine and ordered some.

This is what happens when you buy day-old-chicks through the mail. The chick producer calls you the morning they ship to be sure that you will be there to receive them. The day-old chicks arrived in the hands of our postman in what looked like a very large pizza box, with vents. In the box were 50 New Jersey Giants, at these stage only little balls of yellow fluff. They were peeping away, I thought maybe trying to figure out where they had fetched up. The postman was shaken and gladly handed the box over to my wife.

“Man, am I ever glad to be rid of this,” he said to Gwen, who had her arms out to receive the carton. “I been driving around with it in the back of my truck all morning and I just know that what’s in there is alive.”

Gwen took the box from him, walked into the kitchen, and cautiously opened it. Baby chicks, alive alive O, making peeping and whistling sounds, they were, already pecking for something to eat. The fact that the cardboard gave up no nutrients whatsoever hinted both at the chick’s pre-programmed behavior and their limited intelligence. Nothing suggested that they would become Giants, from New Jersey or anyplace else.

But they might just do well at the derelict farm on Lopez Island. Neither of us had ever raised chickens. This did not daunt our enthusiasm. We sent for literature from the local County Agent of the Department of Agriculture. I bought a huge stockman’s manual and found plans for a fenced-in chicken coop. We would have fresh eggs. What would happen to the chickens at the end of the summer when school resumed? Question unasked. Why did we think we needed 50 eggs a day? I have no idea.

As we watched these miraculous babies it became apparent that of the 50 chicks shipped from the producer, only 49 were up and running. One had keeled over. Surrounded by all the other chicks that cared not a peep that it was there, it lay still, with its eyes closed, out cold on the floor of the pizza box.

It looked dead to me but I had never before seen a dead chick. I had read that new-born chicks need warmth, and it being a chilly April day, guessed one had succumbed to chick hypothermia. Without hesitation (but with slightly rising gorge) I picked up the dead chick by its little leg and said, “I will dispose of it.” I started to walk toward the garbage pail.

The Health Benefits of Raw Eggs - A Life Building Food

(NaturalNews) Raw fats from organic vegetables and healthy animals are an ideal way for many to build up health and vitality. Raw, unheated, uncooked organic eggs from a clean source are an excellent health tonic. Regularly consuming raw eggs will benefit your health as the raw egg yolk and white helps your body eliminate stored toxins. Body builder's have long known that a great way to build healthy muscle without the extra fat is to eat raw eggs regularly.

When you cook animal proteins, eggs, milk, meat, and so on, it changes the structure of the proteins. This is not to say that all cooked animal proteins are unhealthy, but that when we do not cook the animal proteins, they many times are even healthier. Consuming eggs raw means that vital enzymes and nutrients are left intact.

Eating too many egg whites can cause a biotin deficiency. Eating the yolks only, or the biotin rich yolks with the whites will prevent this problem.

I have been craving egg nog since it was a special holiday treat for me growing up. Yet all of the store-bought egg nog's, even the organic ones, are made with disease causing pasteurized milk, and also use evaporated cane juice, which is an overly heated and processed sugar.

Raw Eggs and Cholesterol

The scare about healthy cholesterol from whole foods like eggs is unfair. The amount of consumed cholesterol has nothing to do with the amount of cholesterol in the body.

Eggs contain valuable fat which helps cleanse and lubricate our internal structures. Fat and cholesterol from damaged fats, like margarine, or cheap vegetable oils, are the types of fats that lead to adverse health consequences. It is important to differentiate good fats from unhealthy fats.

Bad press about eggs is mostly sponsored by industries that want people to consume overly processed and unhealthy foods. Do not be afraid to consume high quality eggs, a product direct from nature, just because some backwards science leads you to believe that delicious and satisfying foods like eggs might cause heart disease or some other health problem.

The idea that too much animal fat and high cholesterol are dangerous to your heart and blood vessels is nothing but a myth. You can learn more about this myth at (www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol.htm) .

A word of caution, if you are not used to drinking lots of cream or eating lots of raw eggs, be aware that lots of raw eggs and/or cream has a healing effect on the body, and sometimes they initially can cause some types of physical responses like stomach discomfort, nausea or headaches. This is not usually food poisoning, but a cleansing action within your body.


Raw Egg Nog Recipe

Here is a delicious raw egg nog recipe:

4 raw free-range organic eggs
2 cups raw pasture-fed milk
1 cup raw pasture-fed cream
1/8 - 1/3 cup natural sweetener (such as: unheated honey, or rapadura)
1 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg

1) Separate eggs yolk and whites.

2) Blend egg yolks with sweetener and a touch of cream.

3) Separately blend egg whites until soft peaks are formed (whisk may be required). Egg whites are optional. You can also make creamy egg nog by blending the whites with a small amount of cream, this makes it less fluffy and adds a creamy texture to it.

4) Combine everything together.