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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Health Benefits of Raw Eggs - A Life Building Food

Raw fats from organic vegetables and healthy animals are an ideal way for many to build up health and vitality. Raw, unheated, uncooked organic eggs from a clean source are an excellent health tonic. Regularly consuming raw eggs will benefit your health as the raw egg yolk and white helps your body eliminate stored toxins. Body builder's have long known that a great way to build healthy muscle without the extra fat is to eat raw eggs regularly.

When you cook animal proteins, eggs, milk, meat, and so on, it changes the structure of the proteins. This is not to say that all cooked animal proteins are unhealthy, but that when we do not cook the animal proteins, they many times are even healthier. Consuming eggs raw means that vital enzymes and nutrients are left intact.

Eating too many egg whites can cause a biotin deficiency. Eating the yolks only, or the biotin rich yolks with the whites will prevent this problem.

I have been craving egg nog since it was a special holiday treat for me growing up. Yet all of the store-bought egg nog's, even the organic ones, are made with disease causing pasteurized milk, and also use evaporated cane juice, which is an overly heated and processed sugar.

Raw Eggs and Cholesterol

The scare about healthy cholesterol from whole foods like eggs is unfair. The amount of consumed cholesterol has nothing to do with the amount of cholesterol in the body.

Eggs contain valuable fat which helps cleanse and lubricate our internal structures. Fat and cholesterol from damaged fats, like margarine, or cheap vegetable oils, are the types of fats that lead to adverse health consequences. It is important to differentiate good fats from unhealthy fats.

Bad press about eggs is mostly sponsored by industries that want people to consume overly processed and unhealthy foods. Do not be afraid to consume high quality eggs, a product direct from nature, just because some backwards science leads you to believe that delicious and satisfying foods like eggs might cause heart disease or some other health problem.

The idea that too much animal fat and high cholesterol are dangerous to your heart and blood vessels is nothing but a myth. You can learn more about this myth at (www.ravnskov.nu/cholesterol.htm) .

A word of caution, if you are not used to drinking lots of cream or eating lots of raw eggs, be aware that lots of raw eggs and/or cream has a healing effect on the body, and sometimes they initially can cause some types of physical responses like stomach discomfort, nausea or headaches. This is not usually food poisoning, but a cleansing action within your body.

